Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Gallery Visits / Library research

Samstag Gallery
I am very interested in this idea of 'different ways of understanding and modeling worlds'. I have recently been exploring the notion of different perceptions, for example trying to see the world from a different gender, age group, culture, economic situation etc. This seems to contribute to making fair judgments or generally being unbiased. However apart from 'understanding', changing the way of one modeling a world is problematic as this is a process which one participates in within their whole life time, or life experiences. Their are many other elements which contribute to this such as  family's they are born in to (the perceptions they have been imposed upon from a young age) or religion.
I think that are is a great way of exploring these notions as art, in my opinion is the most free form of expression. I think that this process of explporing different perceptions is crucial to creating art or forming new ideas.  
Paul Laffoley's works where particularly inspiring in the way that he had incorporated all his learning's and life experience into the art including his knowledge in philosophy, classics and architectural model-like structures . Although they seem to be distant and impersonal in a way they are a representation of his very own thought pattern or mindset which triggers the viewers curiosity and is inviting.

I find his works to be very high forms of conceptual art which I find very engaging. I would like to create works based on similar ideas (the idea of intertwining all of my interests and general contemplations) in the future. Although in this case originality can be questioned...(but the Greeks encouraged the art of 'copying' or 'learning from good examples' so so do I!)

points to contemplate 
  • Physical and psychic structures of the universe
  • 'inter-dimensionality' 
  • alternative ways to conceive the universe 

I wonder it the combinations of the stars and the adjectives/ colors an existing idea or original? 
What is that in the middle?


I googled 'geezer art' and not much came up...

"Now clearly following his path as a painter, he began a highly original approach to the construction of the painted surface. Based on extensive hand written journals documenting his research, diagrams, and footnoted predecessors to various theoretical developments, Laffoley began to first organize his ideas in a format related to eastern mandalas that had captivated his interest in the spiritual. This format quickly developed into Laffoley's three sub-groupings of work: Operating Systems, Psychotronic Devices and their related Lucid Dreams. Conceived of as "structured singularities", Laffoley never works in series, but rather approached each project freshly, and individually. Working in a solitary manner, each 73 1/2 x 73 1/2 inch canvas can take one to three years to paint and code."

This piece describes Schrodinger's cat paradox in quantum physics. 
tributes to Nikola Tesla

South Australian Art Gallery 

Rosemary Lang "A dozen useless actions for grieving blonds"
photo-based artist

"The whole gamut of emotions is captured – from disbelief, outrage, sorrow, anxiety and the bleary-eyed, hollowed-out feeling that follows weeping. Hands are raised in anguish, hair swishes across the face, the skin looks swollen and blemished. In two of the images the woman is even clutching Laing’s hand, seeking consolation in the Australian artist’s presence. 
The tongue-in-cheek title suggests another idea encompassed in these works that counters the stereotypical image of the “dumb blonde” in the media. The nature of the work subverts this while the streaked, candyfloss backdrop serves as a decontextualisation device and accentuates the girly femininity associated with blonde hair and the colour pink."


They loos like damaged people...almost grieving some kind of loss. I interpreted it as boat people coming to Australia and then the government further deepening their wounds by not treating them as human beings. Disgusting. 
Although the work has nothing to do with this haha...it's still a very important issue.

The sculptural forms are extremely beautiful on their own. However the concept of geoengineering is also very interesting as I have never come across this before. 


"Geoengineering is often described as a science used to combat climate change.  The methods are diverse.  Some call for painting surfaces white.  Some have suggested using large mirrors in orbit.  Both are different ways to reflect sunlight back into space.  Other methods of geoenginering are more controversial.

For geoengineering to work, climate change must be 100% attributed to man.  Otherwise the changes that we are making will be “Man Made” climate change.  If the problem we are combating is climate change, how are we solving it with changing the climate?"


The debate of 'is climate change caused by humans' seems quite ridiculous. It is argued that climate change is just part of the cycle of nature just as there was an ice-age etc. However science shows that human activity since the industrial revolution is in direct relation to the climate changing. It is quite obvious...people should't turn their heads from the problems we're facing by creating these theories. Rather we should try and figure out what we can do in order to prevent this...however is changing the climate our selves the answer? Could this result in even more irreversible damage? Simply reflecting sunlight probably wouldn't do much damage, but inserting chemicals into the air doesn't seem to be such a good idea. Is it really a good idea to mess with nature? Are we just playing with fire?

Ian Burns: Australian conceptual artist, writer,curator and scholar. A member of the 'art and language' group that flourished in the 1970's. 

Walking into this work was a peculiar experience. The function of each object had become completely irrelevant. It was difficult to get rid of the associations I had with each object in my head and see the work as a piece of art. This notion of getting rid of fixed ideas would be fun to explore...

I loved this work...interesting how commentary is refrained. I would like to also create a work that combines all these different elements. I go through this 'momento mori' idea a lot. My own existence is fleeting everyday. 

There was a beetle in this beautiful Japanese structure. This work was very strange, gruesome but mystical and enchanting at the same time...like another world. 

aeaf Gallery

These works really opened my eyes to the fact that there are people struggling in different parts of the world. I knew about the wars is the middle east etc but never fully realized the extent of this. Actually visually seeing the situation really helped to deepen my understanding of what is happening and also how privileged I am for living in a democratic country where I have a say in what is going on. 

This shows the power of visuals-people seek understanding through visuals more than anything. Language is just a way of symbolizing and decoding what we see. 

                                                                     SASA Gallery

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